

Age Range: Primary 3 - Secondary 4

Time: 10am - 3:30pm (Except Monday 30th, the soccer school begins at 9:30am on the first day to allow for registration)

Location: Burra Baptist Church Hall / Hamnavoe Football Pitch

Both boys and girls are welcome, all levels of ability will be catered for.

Please register soon to avoid disappointment. To register your child just send us an email at the address given below.

This blog is has been created to help coaches communicate with the kids who attend - all the year round! Enjoy!

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Be Wary Of Constant Comfort!!

Hello Shetlandites!

The title of this post is the best I could come up with to sum up what I'm going to type about. I am typing this post as a challenge to you and myself to seek to change our mindsets of always aiming for an easy and ultimately Mind Numbing lifestyle. First things first I suppose something needs clarified and that is that the title is not saying to be concerned with any time of comfort in your life and purposefully go looking for challenges or experiences to make your life deliberately more difficult.
Rather this is about noticing opportunities that God allows to cross our paths, opportunities that sometimes will not have an obvious impact on our live's whether we take them or not like the opportunity we have all had to include someone in a conversation that others have left out.
Taking the easy way out in most opportunities means not speaking up, not protecting someone, not sharing, telling lies, not trying to better yourself and Ultimately means disobeying God and battling against the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.
This is something we all fail at but Practise is what God is looking for, it is how he moulds and defines us, as we put ourselves in an uncomfortable position for him we are saying "Lord, you alone are God and I trust you".
It is also important to remember it's not only about being friendly and Gracious, God will provide strength and Grace for you to; study for grades you want in School/University, train at a sport you love, practise a musical instrument, talk to a friend about Jesus or talk to a stranger about Jesus. I have tried all of these things, succeeded sometimes and failed sometimes but the success is often permanent even just as a happy memory or new skill learned whereas the failure is just an opportunity to try harder or try something new. Failure is not comfort but never risking failure is, and it is that form of comfort which you need to avoid.

As a bit of my own testimony, I only started trying in life and aiming to better myself as soon as I understood how much God Loved me, it gave me validation and made me emotionally secure to know that the God who created the world loves me and aims to prosper me and not to harm me, before when I failed I thought God was laughing at me and setting me up for my next failure but that's a lie from the devil. God was the one picking me up each time and offering his Grace.

If you don't want to succeed and aim to have no aim in life then you are no worse than anybody else, you just haven't realised yet how much God Loves You.

God Bless